Terms of Service
Hi, backflow crew. To make our Term of Service easier to digest, we've listed key highlights just below, followed by the full terms (with nifty quick links for swifter navigation). We want to use this opportunity to clearly communicate expectations, make sure our service is the right fit for your needs, ensure your work goes as smoothly as possible, and help you avoid extra costs by being prepared for our visit.
Our prep guide and gallery offer lots of useful visual info to help you prepare, and you may also find our FAQ helpful. By placing your order, you indicate agreement with the these policies, which form your service agreement with us. Beeline Backflow is referenced below as we/our(s), and you are referred to as you/your(s)/customer(s).
Thank you for working with us. We know you have a choice when it comes to who performs your backflow testing or repairs, and we appreciate your business!
Our prep guide and gallery offer lots of useful visual info to help you prepare, and you may also find our FAQ helpful. By placing your order, you indicate agreement with the these policies, which form your service agreement with us. Beeline Backflow is referenced below as we/our(s), and you are referred to as you/your(s)/customer(s).
Thank you for working with us. We know you have a choice when it comes to who performs your backflow testing or repairs, and we appreciate your business!
key Highlights
The Basics
To promptly serve you and other customers, we need your equipment to be visible, accessible, and operable, with water pressure available. ("Equipment" includes your backflow assembly, its valve box or enclosure, and any upstream shutoff valves that are closed). Before your order, please make sure your equipment is ready to go as described below:
Operable Equipment:
Water Pressure:
A good rule of thumb: if you can't easily see, access, operate, or get water to your equipment, we probably can't either. This can prevent or delay service, or result in additional charges. Conditions may change over time, so it's a good idea to confirm before each order that things are ready to go (and check last year's report for maintenance/repair notes).
For drop-in service, make sure equipment is ready to go before placing your order, as our visit may take place any time after your order is placed (sometimes even the same day). If your work requires advance notification, please let us know in the order comments so we can email you to confirm access the day before we plan to visit. Please contact us if you need remote assistance, including help locating or identifying your equipment, or visually evaluating its condition.
A completed online order is required before each service call. We use this to confirm job details, review notes from customers, provide our order policies, and create a job ticket in our system. Most orders also include prepayment. You'll receive an email confirmation (as will we) after your order is submitted. If you've contacted us for service but haven't completed an order after we've made a few good-faith attempts to contact you, we'll remove your work from our pending list.
This section is a limited overview. The rest of our Terms of Service are below.
To promptly serve you and other customers, we need your equipment to be visible, accessible, and operable, with water pressure available. ("Equipment" includes your backflow assembly, its valve box or enclosure, and any upstream shutoff valves that are closed). Before your order, please make sure your equipment is ready to go as described below:
- Clear equipment fully of bark, soil, leaves, plants, or anything else that might hide it from view.
- Tell us about any changes made since our last visit that may affect our ability to locate your equipment (new fencing, relocated equipment, etc.).
- Clear plants away from your equipment to help us readily locate and view it for our work: we request a clear walking path to your equipment, two feet around it, and four feet above this general work area. Plants in this work zone may be trimmed or damaged during our visit.
- Make sure equipment is fully unobstructed, and tell us the order comments about anything which might inhibit access, such as: locks, tricky gate latches, pets in the work area, gate codes, or anything else that might prevent us from easily getting to, and interacting with, your equipment.
- Be sure equipment isn't buried (this includes boxes and the equipment inside them), and that any insulation can be quickly removed and replaced.
- To allow us ample space to move and set gear during our work, please keep plants cleared from around your equipment. Clearances noted in the Visibility section above (#3).
- For indoor work, make sure we can easily walk up to your equipment and operate all valves, and that any water-sensitive items are moved a few feet away from the work area.
Operable Equipment:
- All equipment and piping should be in sound working order, particularly shutoff valves and test cocks.
- We need enough space to readily operate test cocks and shutoff valves, and to attach our test gauge: this means 4" of clear space all around the test cocks, 3" around shutoff handles, and 4" clear space below your equipment and the bottom of the box. Extra space is often needed for repairs or assemblies over 1" (line size).
Water Pressure:
- We need a minimum water pressure of 15 PSI at all test ports.
- Any upstream shutoff valves located inside (or in other areas we can't readily access) should be turned on before orders are placed.
- We do not operate water meter valves or curb valves. If water is off at the meter or any shutoffs in your meter box, please work with your water district to turn this on before your order.
A good rule of thumb: if you can't easily see, access, operate, or get water to your equipment, we probably can't either. This can prevent or delay service, or result in additional charges. Conditions may change over time, so it's a good idea to confirm before each order that things are ready to go (and check last year's report for maintenance/repair notes).
For drop-in service, make sure equipment is ready to go before placing your order, as our visit may take place any time after your order is placed (sometimes even the same day). If your work requires advance notification, please let us know in the order comments so we can email you to confirm access the day before we plan to visit. Please contact us if you need remote assistance, including help locating or identifying your equipment, or visually evaluating its condition.
A completed online order is required before each service call. We use this to confirm job details, review notes from customers, provide our order policies, and create a job ticket in our system. Most orders also include prepayment. You'll receive an email confirmation (as will we) after your order is submitted. If you've contacted us for service but haven't completed an order after we've made a few good-faith attempts to contact you, we'll remove your work from our pending list.
This section is a limited overview. The rest of our Terms of Service are below.
ADDITIONAL terms of service
Quick Links
(click a link to jump to your desired section, or scroll down for the full terms)
(click a link to jump to your desired section, or scroll down for the full terms)
Products and Services:
Products and Services We Offer
Standalone products and services:
Add-on items (not included with basic testing) which may need to be performed during a service call (additional charges may apply):
Notes: products and services above may not be available for all service calls. Add-on items may be required for testing, safety, or to comply with water district rules. In many cases, we can't predict before a service call whether the need for add-on items will arise. During our work, we'll use our best judgment as to what additional products and services are required to proceed with the job, and you may receive a bill for these items. Additional labor may require an additional service call (an extra charge).
Standalone products and services:
- Basic drop-in backflow testing at residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal sites, and limited service by appointment. Includes emailed reporting, and a report filed with your water district.
- Basic repairs for assemblies on irrigation lines or dedicated non-potable connections (like some fire lines).
- Repair consultations may be offered for failures which our license doesn't allow us to repair. These usually include an in-person visit, repair parts, a walk-through of the repair process, use of all the necessary tools, re-testing, and reporting.
- Parts sourcing: we can locate parts specific to your assembly and have them shipped to you.
- Assembly lists or back copies of reporting free for customers. For non-customers, we charge per document and require proof of ownership or management change for privacy purposes. All records are sent by email.
Add-on items (not included with basic testing) which may need to be performed during a service call (additional charges may apply):
- External repairs, like test cock replacements
- Digging or pumping valve boxes or vaults to access equipment
- Trimming plants to improve access and/or visibility
- Confined space entries for utility vaults
- Installing elbow adapters (plugs and caps, when available, are provided at no charge)
- Installing assembly ID tags, when requested by water district
- Standby time that delays our work
- Installing security chains and/or locks on shutoff valves
- Basic repair for failing assemblies, with or without parts (only with your prior authorization)
Notes: products and services above may not be available for all service calls. Add-on items may be required for testing, safety, or to comply with water district rules. In many cases, we can't predict before a service call whether the need for add-on items will arise. During our work, we'll use our best judgment as to what additional products and services are required to proceed with the job, and you may receive a bill for these items. Additional labor may require an additional service call (an extra charge).
Services We Don't Offer
- Winterization, spring start-up, or general irrigation repairs: for assistance with these services, please contact a licensed landscaper who offers them. If water is off when we arrive, our policy (whenever possible) is to turn it back off before we leave.
- Irrigation or landscaping consultations: if you have questions about downstream valves, timers, winterizations, spring start-ups, repairs, etc., please contact a licensed landscaper who offers these services.
- Backflow assembly replacements, or internal repairs for non-irrigation assemblies that serve or tee off of a domestic line: please contact a licensed plumber or (for irrigation assemblies) a landscaper for assistance.
- Site surveys to check for a backflow assembly: water districts may send test reminders for sites without a backflow assembly on record. If we reasonably believe an assembly may not be present, we must decline service. Please contact a landscaper, locate service, or your city's backflow department for assistance.
- Determination of downstream uses: our work may involve making educated guesses about what's downstream of your assembly, but these are necessarily limited, and their accuracy isn't guaranteed. If this information is of critical importance, please contact a cross-connection specialist. Most water districts have one on staff who can help, but you may also hire an independent specialist.
- Non-essential appointments: our ability to arrange specific dates/times for service calls is limited, so we can only offer this when necessary for indoor access, certain fire line work, or for lines serving critical water needs.
- Maintenance, installation, or re-setting of valve boxes or irrigation equipment: as our work is focused on testing and limited repairs. If you need help making sure equipment is properly maintained and fully operational, please contact a licensed landscaper who offers these services.
- Yard maintenance: if plants needs to be cleared from around equipment, please address this before your order. Any trimming we do is incidental to our work (and we may charge for this), but it shouldn't be necessary if equipment is ready to go as requested. Please see Key Highlights, above, for additional details.
- Coordinating meter turn-on with your water district: if water is off at your meter, please make arrangements with your water district to have this turned on before your order is placed.
Serviceability Guidelines
As a courtesy to your hard-working technician, please prepare for our visit so we can promptly assist you and other customers. If you need advance notification before we stop by to ensure access, please tell us in your order comments. The next few sections detail what we need for our work: if your equipment doesn't meet these serviceability requirements, we may need to bill for extra parts or services (or, in rare cases, decline service). If we've made prior repair or maintenance requests on your reporting, our system may prompt you about this during the order process.
For our work, we need to locate your equipment, then kneel in front of valve boxes, bending directly over them to operate valves and attach our gauge.
To help us promptly serve you, please ensure valve box lids are 100% visible and cleared of bark dust, soil, leaves, rocks, vegetation, waste bins, or anything else that might obscure them from view. Tell us about any changes since our last visit (like new fencing or plantings) that may hinder location or access. Plants should be cleared back to allow an unimpeded view of your equipment: we request a clear footpath to your equipment, two feet all around it, and four feet above this work area.
For help locating your backflow box, look for "Assembly Location" on your most recent test report. This may also be listed on your water district's reminder letter. If you need assistance, contact your water district or the most recent tester for help. Upstream shutoff valves are often nearby in their own round boxes, or in the backflow box itself. If your system is winterized, we'll need upstream shutoff boxes visible as well. If you're not sure what your equipment looks like, our gallery includes lots of helpful photos to help you locate and identify your equipment. If you're unable to confidently locate your backflow assembly or the upstream shutoff(s) required to pressurize it, please contact us.
If you prefer to keep your valve boxes hidden from view, please uncover these before you place your order, provided this doesn't create a hazard (like missing deck boards, etc. - if this is a concern, please review our advance notification section and let us know if you need a heads-up the day before we visit). Covered boxes may result in a return service call (an extra charge). If box lids are repeatedly covered when we visit, we may decline future service.
For our work, we need to locate your equipment, then kneel in front of valve boxes, bending directly over them to operate valves and attach our gauge.
To help us promptly serve you, please ensure valve box lids are 100% visible and cleared of bark dust, soil, leaves, rocks, vegetation, waste bins, or anything else that might obscure them from view. Tell us about any changes since our last visit (like new fencing or plantings) that may hinder location or access. Plants should be cleared back to allow an unimpeded view of your equipment: we request a clear footpath to your equipment, two feet all around it, and four feet above this work area.
For help locating your backflow box, look for "Assembly Location" on your most recent test report. This may also be listed on your water district's reminder letter. If you need assistance, contact your water district or the most recent tester for help. Upstream shutoff valves are often nearby in their own round boxes, or in the backflow box itself. If your system is winterized, we'll need upstream shutoff boxes visible as well. If you're not sure what your equipment looks like, our gallery includes lots of helpful photos to help you locate and identify your equipment. If you're unable to confidently locate your backflow assembly or the upstream shutoff(s) required to pressurize it, please contact us.
If you prefer to keep your valve boxes hidden from view, please uncover these before you place your order, provided this doesn't create a hazard (like missing deck boards, etc. - if this is a concern, please review our advance notification section and let us know if you need a heads-up the day before we visit). Covered boxes may result in a return service call (an extra charge). If box lids are repeatedly covered when we visit, we may decline future service.
It's vital that we have prompt, clear access to your equipment when we arrive. To ensure this, please:
It's vital that we have prompt, clear access to your equipment when we arrive. To ensure this, please:
- Clip plants back for a clear path to the equipment, plus two feet all around it, and four feet above this work area. This allows us space to to kneel, place our gear, set the box lid, move over/around the box, and avoid injury from thorns, protruding branches, etc. Reduced clearances may result in damaged or pruned plants, or an incomplete test.
- Make sure your equipment is accessible: remove anything from inside your valve box (like excess soil) that might prevent us from operating the two handles and four test ports, and make sure any insulation can be quickly and safely removed and replaced by our technician.
- For indoor assemblies, make sure we can easily walk up to your equipment and operate all valves, and that any water-sensitive items are moved a few feet away from the work area.
- If circumstances may prevent safe, prompt drop-in access to your equipment, please notify us in the order comments and provide complete access details. Examples: locked areas, tricky gate latches, animals with access to the work area, non-hex security bolts, utility vaults, crawlspaces, alarm systems, or other conditions which may interfere with safe, direct access.
- Each year, please notify us of any last-minute access items which can only be addressed shortly before our visit: these might include locked gates, pets that need to be kept inside, etc. When we're aware of these, we'll send you an email the day before we'd like to visit to confirm prompt, safe access during the service call.
- In placing a drop-in service order, you expressly authorize us to access any outdoor areas necessary to locate, access, and test (or repair) the assembly (or assemblies) on record, at any time during daylight hours, unless otherwise arranged.
Operable Parts
Valves should be installed and maintained in a way that allows us to readily operate them for our work. These include:
To facilitate our work, these should be in good working order, without any obstructions, corrosion, stiffness, or other deficiencies that interfere with their use. For equipment installed below-grade, boxes should be installed and maintained to allow full use of test cocks and shutoff valves. For the backflow assembly specifically, allow at least 4" of clear space all around test cocks and 3" around shutoff handles so we can install adapters, operate valves, and attach our gauge. More space is needed for assemblies over 1" line size. If we install elbow adapters to aid testing in cramped spaces, we'll leave these in place for future testing - for adapters integrated with test cocks, the test cocks will need to be replaced as well (parts costs here). Boxes should be installed and maintained to reliably prevent soil and water contact with your equipment. Code is 12" clear space below the equipment, and we advise at least 4" if that's not possible.
Corroded, seized, crowded, worn, weathered, damaged, or poor quality parts can hinder our ability to test, repair, and/or restore shutoff valves to their original positions, and this can result in unexpected water disruptions. Thus we may decline service for installations with these issues, especially when they affect valve operability, and we strongly encourage you to promptly follow up on our replacement or repair recommendations. If air or water is introduced to downstream lines as a result of deficient shutoff valves, we shall not be held liable for any adverse effects. Many newer backflow assemblies have stainless handles standard, and we recommend these for any new below-grade installation to help extend the life of your equipment.
Best rule of thumb: if you can't operate these valves, there's a good chance that we won't be able to either.
Other system components that may prevent us from completing our work if not properly installed or maintained may include valve boxes (or other enclosures) and piping upstream of, and connected to, the backflow assembly.
Valves should be installed and maintained in a way that allows us to readily operate them for our work. These include:
- Shutoff valves on the backflow assembly itself
- Test cock valves
- Upstream shutoff valves (if turned off when we arrive)
To facilitate our work, these should be in good working order, without any obstructions, corrosion, stiffness, or other deficiencies that interfere with their use. For equipment installed below-grade, boxes should be installed and maintained to allow full use of test cocks and shutoff valves. For the backflow assembly specifically, allow at least 4" of clear space all around test cocks and 3" around shutoff handles so we can install adapters, operate valves, and attach our gauge. More space is needed for assemblies over 1" line size. If we install elbow adapters to aid testing in cramped spaces, we'll leave these in place for future testing - for adapters integrated with test cocks, the test cocks will need to be replaced as well (parts costs here). Boxes should be installed and maintained to reliably prevent soil and water contact with your equipment. Code is 12" clear space below the equipment, and we advise at least 4" if that's not possible.
Corroded, seized, crowded, worn, weathered, damaged, or poor quality parts can hinder our ability to test, repair, and/or restore shutoff valves to their original positions, and this can result in unexpected water disruptions. Thus we may decline service for installations with these issues, especially when they affect valve operability, and we strongly encourage you to promptly follow up on our replacement or repair recommendations. If air or water is introduced to downstream lines as a result of deficient shutoff valves, we shall not be held liable for any adverse effects. Many newer backflow assemblies have stainless handles standard, and we recommend these for any new below-grade installation to help extend the life of your equipment.
Best rule of thumb: if you can't operate these valves, there's a good chance that we won't be able to either.
Other system components that may prevent us from completing our work if not properly installed or maintained may include valve boxes (or other enclosures) and piping upstream of, and connected to, the backflow assembly.
Water Pressure
We need water pressure of at least 15 PSI at all test ports. If water is off at an upstream shutoff, we'll need to use it for our work. Upstream irrigation shutoffs are usually outside, and we can operate them if they meet the visibility, accessibility, and operability standards above - if these are inside, or compromised in any way, please turn them on before your order. To avoid pressurizing downstream lines, both shutoff valves on your backflow assembly (including handles) must be in good working order. If they're not, we may decline testing, be unable to prevent water pressure from reaching downstream lines, or be unable to complete your work.
Note: we do NOT operate valves owned by your water supplier (like meter or curb valves), so please make sure these are turned ON before your order is placed. If water is off at an upstream meter when we arrive, you are responsible for scheduling a return service call at your own expense. The initial service call is nonrefundable.
We need water pressure of at least 15 PSI at all test ports. If water is off at an upstream shutoff, we'll need to use it for our work. Upstream irrigation shutoffs are usually outside, and we can operate them if they meet the visibility, accessibility, and operability standards above - if these are inside, or compromised in any way, please turn them on before your order. To avoid pressurizing downstream lines, both shutoff valves on your backflow assembly (including handles) must be in good working order. If they're not, we may decline testing, be unable to prevent water pressure from reaching downstream lines, or be unable to complete your work.
Note: we do NOT operate valves owned by your water supplier (like meter or curb valves), so please make sure these are turned ON before your order is placed. If water is off at an upstream meter when we arrive, you are responsible for scheduling a return service call at your own expense. The initial service call is nonrefundable.
Additional Serviceability Notes:
- Pets, livestock, and working animals: animals must be kept outside the work area during our visit. If animals ever have access to the work area, please follow the guidance in our pet policy.
- Excessive pressure or heat: for the safety of our technicians and equipment, we must decline service if water exceeds a pressure of 175 PSI or a temperature of 110° F. Most of our reports record pressure at the assembly as "SYSTEM PSI" (halfway down the righthand side, below service date). Pressures in other parts of your system may vary.
- Ant and roach spray: please do not use these products or other hazardous chemicals in, on, or near your equipment. These products pose a health hazard to our technicians.
- Other hazards: we reserve the right to decline service due to hazards we believe would prevent safe access or service, with the decision to continue or conclude a service call left to our technician's best discretion. The decision to proceed with service doesn't guarantee that there are no existing equipment deficiencies.
- Encroaching vegetation: plants encroaching on the work area can substantially interfere with our work. By ordering, you grant us permission (without further notification or consultation) to remove vegetation to the extent required for fully unimpeded access and visibility. This may result in additional charges and/or be noted on your report and is done with functionality, not aesthetics, in mind - if you'd like plantings to remain untouched, please review our Key Highlights for recommended clearances, and trim plants back before placing your order.
- To ensure prompt service to our customers as a whole, we may decline service or discounts due to reduced clearances, deep installations (24" or deeper, or we can't reach equipment from a stable kneeling position), submerged or buried equipment, encroaching vegetation, equipment in poor condition, or buried/covered valve box lids.
- We rely on the accuracy of the assembly location and identification details provided by you and/or your water district. If we're unable to locate or access your equipment due to incorrect or incomplete details received during the order process, you're responsible for the cost of the service call.
- Due to quality concerns about the plastic parts on some backflow assemblies (such as those manufactured by Toro or ARI), we're unable to offer service on these models.
- Some serviceability issues may not become apparent until the service call is made.
Scheduling and Notifications
Testing Timelines
Unless otherwise indicated in writing, commitment dates are for service calls only - reporting takes extra time to process and file with your water district. We're committed to meeting the statutory ten-day reporting timeline and are usually well ahead of this. Water districts may need extra time to record reporting in their system after we've sent it to them. If you haven't received an emailed report and would like a service update, please contact us.
Unless otherwise indicated in writing, commitment dates are for service calls only - reporting takes extra time to process and file with your water district. We're committed to meeting the statutory ten-day reporting timeline and are usually well ahead of this. Water districts may need extra time to record reporting in their system after we've sent it to them. If you haven't received an emailed report and would like a service update, please contact us.
Drop-in Service
Unless otherwise arranged in advance, work for outdoor assemblies is scheduled as a drop-in service call on the next available route after your order is placed (in a few rare cases, even the same day). For these service calls, we don't need you to be present, and we're unable to offer additional scheduling coordination intended to achieve this. If advance notification is necessary (so you can unlock a gate or bring in a pet, for example), please let us know in the order comments so we can notify you by email the the day before we plan to stop by. Otherwise, please prepare your equipment for the work before your order is placed. If you or your representative need to be present during our visit for any reason, the work does not qualify as drop-in service and would instead be in our service by appointment category.
Unless otherwise arranged in advance, work for outdoor assemblies is scheduled as a drop-in service call on the next available route after your order is placed (in a few rare cases, even the same day). For these service calls, we don't need you to be present, and we're unable to offer additional scheduling coordination intended to achieve this. If advance notification is necessary (so you can unlock a gate or bring in a pet, for example), please let us know in the order comments so we can notify you by email the the day before we plan to stop by. Otherwise, please prepare your equipment for the work before your order is placed. If you or your representative need to be present during our visit for any reason, the work does not qualify as drop-in service and would instead be in our service by appointment category.
Service by Appointment
When a job requires requires special timing (work within specific dates or hours), indoor access, the client's (or their representative's) presence onsite, or alarm silencing arrangements, we categorize this as an appointment. Our appointment capacity is limited (click here for current availability), so we can't fulfill all appointment requests and politely decline any that aren't strictly necessary for service. Appointments require extra coordination time and reduce our overall scheduling options, so we charge a $10 appointment fee for jobs estimated at $200 or less.
For service by appointment, we'll usually provide an arrival window in advance: please make sure equipment is ready to go before this window begins, and that you're available and ready for the full window. If we can't locate or reach you upon arrival, this will be considered a no-show, and we'll continue with other service calls. We'll contact you about rescheduling, and you'll be billed for the full cost of the service call.
If you wish to make changes to an existing appointment, please contact us as soon as possible. We may need to reschedule your work for a new date. We ask that appointment changes or cancellations be made at least two business days in advance. Changes made the day before service may be considered a short-notice cancellation subject to billing for $60 or 50% of the estimated cost of the service call, whichever is greater. Cancellations made the day of the appointment will result in billing for the full service charge.
When a job requires requires special timing (work within specific dates or hours), indoor access, the client's (or their representative's) presence onsite, or alarm silencing arrangements, we categorize this as an appointment. Our appointment capacity is limited (click here for current availability), so we can't fulfill all appointment requests and politely decline any that aren't strictly necessary for service. Appointments require extra coordination time and reduce our overall scheduling options, so we charge a $10 appointment fee for jobs estimated at $200 or less.
For service by appointment, we'll usually provide an arrival window in advance: please make sure equipment is ready to go before this window begins, and that you're available and ready for the full window. If we can't locate or reach you upon arrival, this will be considered a no-show, and we'll continue with other service calls. We'll contact you about rescheduling, and you'll be billed for the full cost of the service call.
If you wish to make changes to an existing appointment, please contact us as soon as possible. We may need to reschedule your work for a new date. We ask that appointment changes or cancellations be made at least two business days in advance. Changes made the day before service may be considered a short-notice cancellation subject to billing for $60 or 50% of the estimated cost of the service call, whichever is greater. Cancellations made the day of the appointment will result in billing for the full service charge.
Right to Decline Service
Rarely, we may determine after receiving an order (but before making a service call) that we're unable to offer the requested service due to scheduling conflicts, serviceability concerns, or other factors. For this reason, we reserve the right to decline service, and a completed order doesn't unconditionally guarantee that we'll make a service call. If we discover before a service call that we're unable to offer service, we'll notify you as soon as we can and refund any prepaid charges in full.
Rarely, we may determine after receiving an order (but before making a service call) that we're unable to offer the requested service due to scheduling conflicts, serviceability concerns, or other factors. For this reason, we reserve the right to decline service, and a completed order doesn't unconditionally guarantee that we'll make a service call. If we discover before a service call that we're unable to offer service, we'll notify you as soon as we can and refund any prepaid charges in full.
Advance Notifications
If your drop-in order requires that you:
Advance notifications for drop-in service aren't intended to ensure you’ll be present for for the work, but simply a reminder to prepare your equipment for our visit. When we arrive, we’ll proceed directly to the work area and begin our work. We ask that equipment and work area are ready and accessible for us for the full date/window provided, so please don't wait for us to arrive before unlocking gates (please fully remove any padlocks), bringing in pets, or making other preparations. You are responsible the safety of the work area before, during, and after the service call. You can review our pet policy here.
For drop-in work, we can only offer advance notifications for the above access needs, but we still sometimes receive notification requests that fall into two other categories:
We may also email you with (or you may request) notification the day before work which we expect to 1.) require your direct involvement at the time of service (like service by appointment), or 2.) disrupt domestic water service to a key public or commercial use. If we receive no response by close of business (5 PM) on the date of the notification, we'll assume that the work will take place as scheduled.
If your drop-in order requires that you:
- Unlock a gate to allow access to the work area
- Confine an animal that normally has access to the work area, or
- Make any essential preparations that can't be safely done before your order
Advance notifications for drop-in service aren't intended to ensure you’ll be present for for the work, but simply a reminder to prepare your equipment for our visit. When we arrive, we’ll proceed directly to the work area and begin our work. We ask that equipment and work area are ready and accessible for us for the full date/window provided, so please don't wait for us to arrive before unlocking gates (please fully remove any padlocks), bringing in pets, or making other preparations. You are responsible the safety of the work area before, during, and after the service call. You can review our pet policy here.
For drop-in work, we can only offer advance notifications for the above access needs, but we still sometimes receive notification requests that fall into two other categories:
- If you're curious when we’ll visit: rest assured that we’re dedicated to serving you as promptly as possible. We make service calls for the vast majority of drop-in orders within two weeks of the order date and follow up with emailed reporting within a few business days of our visit. Please let folks onsite know that we’ll be stopping by, and that they may see us working outside briefly during our visit.
- If you need extra time to prepare your equipment for us: for tasks can be done well in advance (like digging out valve boxes, uncovering box lids, or trimming plants back), we kindly ask that these are completed before your order is placed so we can promptly serve you and other customers. We thank you in advance! If your box is flooded, please get in touch so we can plan to visit during drier weather.
We may also email you with (or you may request) notification the day before work which we expect to 1.) require your direct involvement at the time of service (like service by appointment), or 2.) disrupt domestic water service to a key public or commercial use. If we receive no response by close of business (5 PM) on the date of the notification, we'll assume that the work will take place as scheduled.
Tenant-occupied Properties
For drop-in work that doesn’t require direct tenant involvement (like work on most equipment out by the water meter and/or outside fenced areas), landlords and property managers can order directly with us. In this case, they are responsible for notifying tenants (if desired) that we'll be onsite within a few weeks of the order and confirming the assembly meets our serviceability guidelines before the order. If your tenants need to be directly involved with our work in any way (uncovering a box, unlocking a gate, or bringing in a pet), please ask them to order directly with us so we're in direct communication with them from the start.
For drop-in work that doesn’t require direct tenant involvement (like work on most equipment out by the water meter and/or outside fenced areas), landlords and property managers can order directly with us. In this case, they are responsible for notifying tenants (if desired) that we'll be onsite within a few weeks of the order and confirming the assembly meets our serviceability guidelines before the order. If your tenants need to be directly involved with our work in any way (uncovering a box, unlocking a gate, or bringing in a pet), please ask them to order directly with us so we're in direct communication with them from the start.
Annual Reminder Emails
We offer free annual email reminders for your convenience. These are an offer to test - to arrange service, use the order link provided in the reminder email to place an order. When orders are submitted more than five calendar days from the date of the reminder or require extra scheduling coordination (like service by appointment or advance notifications), your service call may take place after the commitment date noted in the email. If no order is placed after the first reminder, we may send a follow-up with a revised commitment date, and orders submitted after this are honored per the revised timeline.
Our goal is to send reminder emails before your water district notifies you about testing, so please contact us if you receive their test reminder before you see our reminder email (we can schedule your work and update your reminder dates). Reminder dates may vary based on feedback from water districts, account history, current demand, or our efforts to provide you with a streamlined order experience. We're not able to guarantee the absolute accuracy of any water district due date or mailing date details provided in reminder emails, as these may vary.
Email addresses may be removed from our reminder list as part of routine mailing list maintenance intended to eliminate duplicate reminders or inactive accounts. If you haven't stated a reminder preference during your order, we may add you to our email reminder list to offer the most convenient order option. If you'd prefer not to receive these emails, please use the unsubscribe link in your reminder email to be removed from the list, or contact us by phone or email to request the same.
We offer free annual email reminders for your convenience. These are an offer to test - to arrange service, use the order link provided in the reminder email to place an order. When orders are submitted more than five calendar days from the date of the reminder or require extra scheduling coordination (like service by appointment or advance notifications), your service call may take place after the commitment date noted in the email. If no order is placed after the first reminder, we may send a follow-up with a revised commitment date, and orders submitted after this are honored per the revised timeline.
Our goal is to send reminder emails before your water district notifies you about testing, so please contact us if you receive their test reminder before you see our reminder email (we can schedule your work and update your reminder dates). Reminder dates may vary based on feedback from water districts, account history, current demand, or our efforts to provide you with a streamlined order experience. We're not able to guarantee the absolute accuracy of any water district due date or mailing date details provided in reminder emails, as these may vary.
Email addresses may be removed from our reminder list as part of routine mailing list maintenance intended to eliminate duplicate reminders or inactive accounts. If you haven't stated a reminder preference during your order, we may add you to our email reminder list to offer the most convenient order option. If you'd prefer not to receive these emails, please use the unsubscribe link in your reminder email to be removed from the list, or contact us by phone or email to request the same.
Near- or Past-Due Tests
Most water districts grant due date extensions if they know work is on our pending list. If you're ordering a test that's near or past its due date, you can contact your water district to let them know the work is pending. We can do this for you, but for recordkeeping purposes, please make this as a written request (by email, or in the comments of your online order). If your water district tells us they won't allow an extension we can work within (very rare), we'll let you know so you can hire another vendor.
Water districts may pursue enforcement measures for past-due tests, including water shutoff, fines/fees, enforcement testing, or other steps intended to ensure testing is completed. Due dates and enforcement policies may change, and we're not able to monitor these on your behalf. You're responsible for keeping your contact information updated with the water district, for timely compliance with testing deadlines, and for reading, understanding, and promptly acting on water district communications (which may include time-sensitive information on deadlines, shutoff, fines, or other important details). We're not responsible for charges billed to you by your water district as a result of past-due testing, unless it is shown that we didn't follow up on an order as agreed.
Most water districts grant due date extensions if they know work is on our pending list. If you're ordering a test that's near or past its due date, you can contact your water district to let them know the work is pending. We can do this for you, but for recordkeeping purposes, please make this as a written request (by email, or in the comments of your online order). If your water district tells us they won't allow an extension we can work within (very rare), we'll let you know so you can hire another vendor.
Water districts may pursue enforcement measures for past-due tests, including water shutoff, fines/fees, enforcement testing, or other steps intended to ensure testing is completed. Due dates and enforcement policies may change, and we're not able to monitor these on your behalf. You're responsible for keeping your contact information updated with the water district, for timely compliance with testing deadlines, and for reading, understanding, and promptly acting on water district communications (which may include time-sensitive information on deadlines, shutoff, fines, or other important details). We're not responsible for charges billed to you by your water district as a result of past-due testing, unless it is shown that we didn't follow up on an order as agreed.
Service Delays
In addition to other factors mentioned elsewhere in these Terms, service may be delayed or canceled due to:
1. Past-due balances
2. Unresolved serviceability concerns
3. Adverse weather or road conditions that inhibit travel or our ability to schedule work as planned
4. Road closures, traffic delays, or detours
5. Health or family emergencies affecting our staff
6. Other factors outside our control which affect our scheduling or service capabilities
When necessary, we'll notify affected customers and reschedule work as soon as possible.
In addition to other factors mentioned elsewhere in these Terms, service may be delayed or canceled due to:
1. Past-due balances
2. Unresolved serviceability concerns
3. Adverse weather or road conditions that inhibit travel or our ability to schedule work as planned
4. Road closures, traffic delays, or detours
5. Health or family emergencies affecting our staff
6. Other factors outside our control which affect our scheduling or service capabilities
When necessary, we'll notify affected customers and reschedule work as soon as possible.
Hours, Holidays, and Vacations
During peak season (February-October), our office is open weekdays from 9 AM to 5 PM. We're closed Federal holidays, plus a few personal holidays throughout the year. Field work may take place any day from dawn to dusk, with timed appointments (when available) generally only offered between 7 AM and 3 PM (the later in the day, the wider the arrival window). To ensure adequate rest for our team, and time for essential preparations the day before each route, we're unable to accommodate requests for work to take place on weekends, Mondays, holidays, or days immediately after holidays.
Our annual testing season closes the Friday before Thanksgiving and resumes in late January. We work on a reduced office schedule during this time. To allow scheduling time for your work before our annual testing season closes, make sure your order is placed before October 31st (for drop-in service) or October 15th (for service by appointment).
During peak season (February-October), our office is open weekdays from 9 AM to 5 PM. We're closed Federal holidays, plus a few personal holidays throughout the year. Field work may take place any day from dawn to dusk, with timed appointments (when available) generally only offered between 7 AM and 3 PM (the later in the day, the wider the arrival window). To ensure adequate rest for our team, and time for essential preparations the day before each route, we're unable to accommodate requests for work to take place on weekends, Mondays, holidays, or days immediately after holidays.
Our annual testing season closes the Friday before Thanksgiving and resumes in late January. We work on a reduced office schedule during this time. To allow scheduling time for your work before our annual testing season closes, make sure your order is placed before October 31st (for drop-in service) or October 15th (for service by appointment).
Pricing, Billing, and Payments
General Pricing
Please see our pricing page for details on typical service costs. Basic testing charges for a single test include: 1.) one service call 2.) a backflow test, provided your equipment can readily be located, accessed, and tested, and 3.) reporting to you and your water district (whether passed, failed, or untestable). Discounts for multiple tests at a single site are calculated per address and per service call. If extra services or parts are needed, we'll add these items your bill and/or send you a supplementary invoice. You agree to pay the total amount billed. If an assembly is unserviceable due to conditions that prevent us from locating, access, or testing it, we still write up and file reporting to document the service call and issues encountered, and charges for that assembly still apply.
Please see our pricing page for details on typical service costs. Basic testing charges for a single test include: 1.) one service call 2.) a backflow test, provided your equipment can readily be located, accessed, and tested, and 3.) reporting to you and your water district (whether passed, failed, or untestable). Discounts for multiple tests at a single site are calculated per address and per service call. If extra services or parts are needed, we'll add these items your bill and/or send you a supplementary invoice. You agree to pay the total amount billed. If an assembly is unserviceable due to conditions that prevent us from locating, access, or testing it, we still write up and file reporting to document the service call and issues encountered, and charges for that assembly still apply.
Forms of Billing and Payment
General policies:
Onsite payments: sorry, for the security of your payment, we're unable to take payments at the job site.
Phone payments: our work schedule often has us out in the field and away from our billing software, so we're unable to offer phone payments as a standard payment method. Please see our general payment policies, above, for available options. If our payment platforms are down, or if a disability prevents you paying via the available options, please contact us. For recordkeeping purposes, we'll still need to be able to communicate with you by email.
Outside billing and payment systems: we're unable to work through third-party platforms (for property management, BSM, work order management, or payment management) to process billing or payments.
General policies:
- For small testing jobs (expected cost of $125 or less), or work at sites still under construction, payment is due with your online order.
- For most other testing jobs over $125, you may choose between prepayment (by card) or emailed invoicing (payable by check). If we need to include a PO/WO on your invoice, please provide this at the time of your order.
- For larger accounts with a late payment history, we may request prepayment for base testing and confined space entry charges.
- Repair work is usually billed after service via emailed invoicing. Commercial repairs are payable by check, while most residential repairs will have an added online card payment option included in the invoicing email.
Onsite payments: sorry, for the security of your payment, we're unable to take payments at the job site.
Phone payments: our work schedule often has us out in the field and away from our billing software, so we're unable to offer phone payments as a standard payment method. Please see our general payment policies, above, for available options. If our payment platforms are down, or if a disability prevents you paying via the available options, please contact us. For recordkeeping purposes, we'll still need to be able to communicate with you by email.
Outside billing and payment systems: we're unable to work through third-party platforms (for property management, BSM, work order management, or payment management) to process billing or payments.
Special Procedures
If your work requires extra time or costs beyond what's necessary for a typical job, these will be billed to you. For example: subscriptions to vendor management platforms, extra insurance, "processing" (or other) fees deducted from payments, or onsite procedures that delay our work (e.g., call centers check-ins, waiting on hold for permission to complete essential services, supplying photos of the work, suiting up for cleanrooms, standby time for access, etc.). It's important to discuss these and other special requests with us before placing your order, so we know advance whether we can accommodate them.
If your work requires extra time or costs beyond what's necessary for a typical job, these will be billed to you. For example: subscriptions to vendor management platforms, extra insurance, "processing" (or other) fees deducted from payments, or onsite procedures that delay our work (e.g., call centers check-ins, waiting on hold for permission to complete essential services, supplying photos of the work, suiting up for cleanrooms, standby time for access, etc.). It's important to discuss these and other special requests with us before placing your order, so we know advance whether we can accommodate them.
Small Repairs
On occasion, small external repairs (like replacement of inoperable test cocks) may be required to enable our work. When performed during testing or repair, these typically cost less than $30 per part, including labor. We'll use our best discretion to determine when these are necessary, and bill accordingly. We can unfortunately no longer offer shutoff handle replacements due to fit issues that can result in critical and unpredictable operability issues with the shutoff valves.
On occasion, small external repairs (like replacement of inoperable test cocks) may be required to enable our work. When performed during testing or repair, these typically cost less than $30 per part, including labor. We'll use our best discretion to determine when these are necessary, and bill accordingly. We can unfortunately no longer offer shutoff handle replacements due to fit issues that can result in critical and unpredictable operability issues with the shutoff valves.
Large and/or Special-Order Repairs
If same-day repair costs would exceed $75 in a single service call, or if we don't have the time, parts, or tools available to make such repairs, we'll usually conclude the service call, send you an estimate for the proposed repair, and wait to hear back from you before ordering parts or scheduling additional work. If you cancel a repair without intent to reschedule, you'll be billed for the cost of any special-order parts we've purchased for the job. In some cases, we may seek preauthorization for repairs if we expect an assembly to fail, or we may attempt to contact you by phone to seek authorization for larger same-day repairs when we have the necessary time, parts, and tools available.
If same-day repair costs would exceed $75 in a single service call, or if we don't have the time, parts, or tools available to make such repairs, we'll usually conclude the service call, send you an estimate for the proposed repair, and wait to hear back from you before ordering parts or scheduling additional work. If you cancel a repair without intent to reschedule, you'll be billed for the cost of any special-order parts we've purchased for the job. In some cases, we may seek preauthorization for repairs if we expect an assembly to fail, or we may attempt to contact you by phone to seek authorization for larger same-day repairs when we have the necessary time, parts, and tools available.
Overdue Balances
We may postpone or decline service until past due balances are cleared, even after an order has been placed. We apply funds received to the oldest outstanding invoice until the account balance reaches zero, then apply further payments toward future service. Overdue invoices may be subject to late fees, referral to a collection agency, or legal action, and we'll seek reimbursement for any additional costs required to collect payment.
We may postpone or decline service until past due balances are cleared, even after an order has been placed. We apply funds received to the oldest outstanding invoice until the account balance reaches zero, then apply further payments toward future service. Overdue invoices may be subject to late fees, referral to a collection agency, or legal action, and we'll seek reimbursement for any additional costs required to collect payment.
Discount Program
At times, we may offer discounted testing in select neighborhoods (discount areas) where we can arrange a high volume of drop-in tests within a focused service area on a single day - customers in these neighborhoods are added to their local discount group by request only. Discounted testing is offered once per discount group per calendar year, with a minimum of ten participating households. Discounts are offered exclusively through automated reminder emails sent before the annual discount route scheduled for each neighborhood. These include the discount offered, the date and time (PST) that the discount expires, and an order link. To be eligible for our discount program, customers must 1.) be within the geographic boundaries of an existing discount area with at least ten participating households, 2.) request addition to the group 3.) have a single small assembly that can be tested on a drop-in basis without the need for further scheduling coordination, 4.) participate in the most recent discount route for which they were notified 5.) have equipment that's installed and maintained in a way that facilitates testing, 6.) not meet any criteria for inactive accounts, and 7.) otherwise abide by our terms of service. Group members who wish to order discounted service are responsible for ordering by the discount deadline, providing us with current contact details, and keeping their email settings updated to ensure our messages are seen. Group members who are notified about, but don't participate in, their local discount route will be moved to our regular reminder and rate schedule going forward (but can ask to be re-added to the group). We may update elements of the discount program at our discretion. Additional details here.
At times, we may offer discounted testing in select neighborhoods (discount areas) where we can arrange a high volume of drop-in tests within a focused service area on a single day - customers in these neighborhoods are added to their local discount group by request only. Discounted testing is offered once per discount group per calendar year, with a minimum of ten participating households. Discounts are offered exclusively through automated reminder emails sent before the annual discount route scheduled for each neighborhood. These include the discount offered, the date and time (PST) that the discount expires, and an order link. To be eligible for our discount program, customers must 1.) be within the geographic boundaries of an existing discount area with at least ten participating households, 2.) request addition to the group 3.) have a single small assembly that can be tested on a drop-in basis without the need for further scheduling coordination, 4.) participate in the most recent discount route for which they were notified 5.) have equipment that's installed and maintained in a way that facilitates testing, 6.) not meet any criteria for inactive accounts, and 7.) otherwise abide by our terms of service. Group members who wish to order discounted service are responsible for ordering by the discount deadline, providing us with current contact details, and keeping their email settings updated to ensure our messages are seen. Group members who are notified about, but don't participate in, their local discount route will be moved to our regular reminder and rate schedule going forward (but can ask to be re-added to the group). We may update elements of the discount program at our discretion. Additional details here.
Refund Policy
Service calls, labor, and parts are non-refundable and/or will be billed at our standard rates, except when:
Please note that we bill the full cost of service and/or do not offer refunds when:
Service calls, labor, and parts are non-refundable and/or will be billed at our standard rates, except when:
- We make an error that results in material testing delays, or expenses to you.
- System errors result in incorrect charges.
- You contact us to cancel before the date of the service call (or at least 2 business days in advance for service by appointment).
- We decline service before service call has been made (usually due to notes indicating your installation doesn't meet our serviceability guidelines).
Please note that we bill the full cost of service and/or do not offer refunds when:
- Your assembly is recorded as failing.
- We determine during a service call that your equipment is a.) untestable due to any of the factors mentioned in our Serviceability Guidelines, or b.) isn't designed for testing (AVBs, for example).
- You forget or miss an appointment, or cancel it without sufficient notice (see Service by Appointment)
- Multiple companies are hired to perform testing on the same assembly.
Additional Preparations for Your Service Call
Potential Water Disruptions
During our work, water downstream of your backflow assembly is interrupted (usually quite briefly) . Most residential work we do is on irrigation systems and doesn't affect water use inside the home. Assemblies on main service lines are more common for commercial, industrial, and rural properties.
For equipment in good working order, and with adequate clearances, typical disruption times for testing are 2-5 minutes for assemblies 2" or under, and around 5-10 minutes for assemblies over 2". For repairs, please allow additional time beyond this. If you experience a unexpected disruption of more than 10 minutes, please call our office as soon as possible. Disruption times may vary depending on the condition and clearances of the equipment. We're not responsible for valve failures or extended water disruptions due to manufacturing defects, preexisting damage, poor installation or maintenance, aftermarket parts, or corrosion.
You're responsible for making any essential preparations for water disruptions related to our work. Please notify us in your order comments about specific scheduling needs related to water shutoff, ensuring alarms are in test mode, preparing downstream users and equipment for water disruptions, etc. Otherwise, we'll schedule your work as a drop-in service.
During our work, water downstream of your backflow assembly is interrupted (usually quite briefly) . Most residential work we do is on irrigation systems and doesn't affect water use inside the home. Assemblies on main service lines are more common for commercial, industrial, and rural properties.
For equipment in good working order, and with adequate clearances, typical disruption times for testing are 2-5 minutes for assemblies 2" or under, and around 5-10 minutes for assemblies over 2". For repairs, please allow additional time beyond this. If you experience a unexpected disruption of more than 10 minutes, please call our office as soon as possible. Disruption times may vary depending on the condition and clearances of the equipment. We're not responsible for valve failures or extended water disruptions due to manufacturing defects, preexisting damage, poor installation or maintenance, aftermarket parts, or corrosion.
You're responsible for making any essential preparations for water disruptions related to our work. Please notify us in your order comments about specific scheduling needs related to water shutoff, ensuring alarms are in test mode, preparing downstream users and equipment for water disruptions, etc. Otherwise, we'll schedule your work as a drop-in service.
Alarmed Fire Lines
If we believe fire alarms may be triggered during our work, we'll need the alarm system to be in test mode. We'll ask you to make these arrangements with your alarm monitoring company and to be available (by phone or in person) to confirm alarm status before we begin testing the alarmed line. At the time of our visit, please have the name and contact number for your monitoring company immediately available, along with the account number and password/passcode. We schedule and bill this as an appointment, even if conducted by phone. If we're not able to promptly confirm that alarms are in test mode (because we aren't able to reach you, or due to delays on the alarm company's end), we may need to reschedule testing for a later date. Depending on alarm system design, onsite alarms or alarm panels may sound during our work, and these may need to be manually reset by you or your onsite representative after testing.
Rarely, alarm signals do not restore properly after shutoff valves are back in their original positions. This is usually due to malfunctioning components inside the alarm switch boxes. There are a few limited steps we can take (cleaning the trip lever contact points, and exercising the switches) that may help restore signals, so we'll attempt a courtesy check-in after testing to give you an opportunity to verify system status with your monitoring company. If we reach you and are promptly made aware of signal irregularities, we'll make up to three attempts to help restore signals before leaving the site. If signals are still problematic after this, please discuss next steps with your monitoring company. We don't interact with any other components of your alarm system, and we don't offer services related to silencing, resetting, or servicing alarms. If we can't reach you for check-in immediately after our work, we'll leave the site and allow you to work directly with your monitoring company to resolve any alarm irregularities.
Alarm system malfunctions may only become apparent during routine tasks (like testing, repairs, or maintenance) that are necessary for the health of the fire system, and an alarm system's inability to properly reset itself isn't the result of errors or omissions by our staff. If an alarm system malfunction comes to light during our work, you are responsible, at your own expense, to make repair arrangements with your alarm company. We are not liable for any issues or costs that may arise as a result of alarm malfunctions. You are also responsible for making appropriate safety arrangements at your site when alarms are inactive, and we strongly advise working with your alarm monitoring company to make sure the system is properly reset as soon after testing as possible.
If we believe fire alarms may be triggered during our work, we'll need the alarm system to be in test mode. We'll ask you to make these arrangements with your alarm monitoring company and to be available (by phone or in person) to confirm alarm status before we begin testing the alarmed line. At the time of our visit, please have the name and contact number for your monitoring company immediately available, along with the account number and password/passcode. We schedule and bill this as an appointment, even if conducted by phone. If we're not able to promptly confirm that alarms are in test mode (because we aren't able to reach you, or due to delays on the alarm company's end), we may need to reschedule testing for a later date. Depending on alarm system design, onsite alarms or alarm panels may sound during our work, and these may need to be manually reset by you or your onsite representative after testing.
Rarely, alarm signals do not restore properly after shutoff valves are back in their original positions. This is usually due to malfunctioning components inside the alarm switch boxes. There are a few limited steps we can take (cleaning the trip lever contact points, and exercising the switches) that may help restore signals, so we'll attempt a courtesy check-in after testing to give you an opportunity to verify system status with your monitoring company. If we reach you and are promptly made aware of signal irregularities, we'll make up to three attempts to help restore signals before leaving the site. If signals are still problematic after this, please discuss next steps with your monitoring company. We don't interact with any other components of your alarm system, and we don't offer services related to silencing, resetting, or servicing alarms. If we can't reach you for check-in immediately after our work, we'll leave the site and allow you to work directly with your monitoring company to resolve any alarm irregularities.
Alarm system malfunctions may only become apparent during routine tasks (like testing, repairs, or maintenance) that are necessary for the health of the fire system, and an alarm system's inability to properly reset itself isn't the result of errors or omissions by our staff. If an alarm system malfunction comes to light during our work, you are responsible, at your own expense, to make repair arrangements with your alarm company. We are not liable for any issues or costs that may arise as a result of alarm malfunctions. You are also responsible for making appropriate safety arrangements at your site when alarms are inactive, and we strongly advise working with your alarm monitoring company to make sure the system is properly reset as soon after testing as possible.
Off-record Assemblies
Occasionally, while working at a site, we may notice an assembly that isn't in our records. In these cases, we may ask the owner, manager, tenant, or onsite representative if they'd like it tested. If so, we follow through as we would for any other service call by filing a report with the water district and billing for the work. If the assembly is new to district records, you may see it on future testing reminders. We may contact the water district to clarify details for found assemblies, including most recent test date, which address (if any) they're assigned to, etc.
Occasionally, while working at a site, we may notice an assembly that isn't in our records. In these cases, we may ask the owner, manager, tenant, or onsite representative if they'd like it tested. If so, we follow through as we would for any other service call by filing a report with the water district and billing for the work. If the assembly is new to district records, you may see it on future testing reminders. We may contact the water district to clarify details for found assemblies, including most recent test date, which address (if any) they're assigned to, etc.
Locked or Secured Assemblies
Some assemblies may be secured against tampering, usually with chains looped around gate valve handles and secured with a padlock. Hotboxes, vaults, and other enclosures may also be secured with padlocks or closed with special security bolts. This can prevent us from proceeding with our work. By ordering, you agree to notify us of relevant security measures before the service call, and to provide instructions for promptly accessing equipment and operating the necessary valves. If keys or codes aren't readily available or don't work, you grant us permission and discretion to cut locks or chains as needed. You're responsible for arranging replacement of any cut locks or chains, and we're not liable for any unauthorized access to the equipment in the meantime. If security measures prevent us from completing our work, you're responsible for the full cost of service.
Some assemblies may be secured against tampering, usually with chains looped around gate valve handles and secured with a padlock. Hotboxes, vaults, and other enclosures may also be secured with padlocks or closed with special security bolts. This can prevent us from proceeding with our work. By ordering, you agree to notify us of relevant security measures before the service call, and to provide instructions for promptly accessing equipment and operating the necessary valves. If keys or codes aren't readily available or don't work, you grant us permission and discretion to cut locks or chains as needed. You're responsible for arranging replacement of any cut locks or chains, and we're not liable for any unauthorized access to the equipment in the meantime. If security measures prevent us from completing our work, you're responsible for the full cost of service.
Standby Time and Other Delays
With tens of thousands of service calls completed, we have a good working knowledge of how long an average visit should take when equipment is readily visible, accessible, and serviceable. With this knowledge, we build in a reasonable amount of time for your work, plus a bit of extra flex time - if your work requires additional time beyond this, we may need to bill this as additional labor or schedule a separate service call (at an additional charge) to complete your work. For this reason, we urge you to take any advance steps required to make sure we can promptly locate, access, and service equipment once we arrive onsite, and to notify us during the order process of any essential tasks that will require extra time onsite but cannot be prevented by advance preparation (like suiting up for a clean room, health screenings, or extended walks to remote assembly locations).
With tens of thousands of service calls completed, we have a good working knowledge of how long an average visit should take when equipment is readily visible, accessible, and serviceable. With this knowledge, we build in a reasonable amount of time for your work, plus a bit of extra flex time - if your work requires additional time beyond this, we may need to bill this as additional labor or schedule a separate service call (at an additional charge) to complete your work. For this reason, we urge you to take any advance steps required to make sure we can promptly locate, access, and service equipment once we arrive onsite, and to notify us during the order process of any essential tasks that will require extra time onsite but cannot be prevented by advance preparation (like suiting up for a clean room, health screenings, or extended walks to remote assembly locations).
Work Procedures
Plugs, Adapters, and Open Test Ports
Per state rules, assemblies installed below grade must have threaded plugs or adapters with caps installed in all test ports, and state-mandated test procedures specify that ports are to be left closed at the conclusion of each test. Open or unprotected ports can allow contaminants to enter the lines, and these may lead to seized valves, failing backflow assemblies, clogged downstream components, and/or contaminants that can make their way into your drinking water. Thus we close all test ports before we leave and may install (or reinstall) plugs or caps in test ports. We recommend that all test ports are closed and protected with plugs or caps after winterization.
Per state rules, assemblies installed below grade must have threaded plugs or adapters with caps installed in all test ports, and state-mandated test procedures specify that ports are to be left closed at the conclusion of each test. Open or unprotected ports can allow contaminants to enter the lines, and these may lead to seized valves, failing backflow assemblies, clogged downstream components, and/or contaminants that can make their way into your drinking water. Thus we close all test ports before we leave and may install (or reinstall) plugs or caps in test ports. We recommend that all test ports are closed and protected with plugs or caps after winterization.
Alternate Procedures
When necessary and feasible, we may use alternate procedures to complete a test on an installation with poor access, clearances, or operating condition. If we're able to approximate test values this way, we may note them as subject to approval by your water district, and/or decline to perform another test until the assembly can be tested by standard procedure. Some districts allow alternate procedures in some cases, and others address them on a case-by-case basis. Water districts, at their discretion, may require repairs and USC-approved retesting before accepting test results. Charges for such work apply as they would to any testing performed using standard procedures, even if a water district opts to request repairs and retesting before accepting final results.
When necessary and feasible, we may use alternate procedures to complete a test on an installation with poor access, clearances, or operating condition. If we're able to approximate test values this way, we may note them as subject to approval by your water district, and/or decline to perform another test until the assembly can be tested by standard procedure. Some districts allow alternate procedures in some cases, and others address them on a case-by-case basis. Water districts, at their discretion, may require repairs and USC-approved retesting before accepting test results. Charges for such work apply as they would to any testing performed using standard procedures, even if a water district opts to request repairs and retesting before accepting final results.
No Haul-Away
We're unable to offer haul-away, further processing, or disposal of trimmed vegetation, or of any soil, bark dust, rocks, or other materials which we've removed from the box lid or interior to aid our work. When we clear off box lids, we aim to leave them fully visible when we depart (as we request they be when we arrive), and any excess materials we've trimmed or removed will be placed near your equipment. Further processing or disposal of these is your responsibility.
We're unable to offer haul-away, further processing, or disposal of trimmed vegetation, or of any soil, bark dust, rocks, or other materials which we've removed from the box lid or interior to aid our work. When we clear off box lids, we aim to leave them fully visible when we depart (as we request they be when we arrive), and any excess materials we've trimmed or removed will be placed near your equipment. Further processing or disposal of these is your responsibility.
Further Limitation of Liability
Rarely, during the course of routine service, system components may become inoperable due to corrosion, normal wear and tear, weathering, age, deferred maintenance, improper installation, aftermarket modifications, manufacturing defects, environmental conditions, and other factors beyond our control. These deficiencies can interfere with testing or repair, and in rare cases may prevent us from completing our work or restoring valves to their original positions. By ordering, you confirm that you are responsible for the condition and maintenance of your equipment, including the cost of any water disruptions or repairs that may be needed as a result of the issues listed above. If we're able to make small repairs to continue with our work, we'll do so and bill accordingly. Some problems (especially related to valve handles and stems) may affect the near- or long-term serviceability of your assembly, eventually requiring replacement of the unit.
We're not hired to determine (or trained to conclusively evaluate) how water is used downstream of your backflow assembly, whether it provides proper protection against those uses, whether there are upstream or downstream cross connections, the hazard level of cross-connections, or whether every aspect of your installation meets code. Any notes we make about this are incidental to our work, and you acknowledge that we are neither responsible nor liable for their accuracy. These notes are meant solely as a starting point for follow-up by you or your water district, and you agree to be solely responsible for the correct installation, use, and maintenance of your plumbing system. Any actionable notes we make about potential code violations, level of protection, potential cross-connections, or downstream uses, whether in reporting or other communications, should be independently verified with a professional who has the proper training and licensing to correctly and conclusively advise you.
Rarely, during the course of routine service, system components may become inoperable due to corrosion, normal wear and tear, weathering, age, deferred maintenance, improper installation, aftermarket modifications, manufacturing defects, environmental conditions, and other factors beyond our control. These deficiencies can interfere with testing or repair, and in rare cases may prevent us from completing our work or restoring valves to their original positions. By ordering, you confirm that you are responsible for the condition and maintenance of your equipment, including the cost of any water disruptions or repairs that may be needed as a result of the issues listed above. If we're able to make small repairs to continue with our work, we'll do so and bill accordingly. Some problems (especially related to valve handles and stems) may affect the near- or long-term serviceability of your assembly, eventually requiring replacement of the unit.
We're not hired to determine (or trained to conclusively evaluate) how water is used downstream of your backflow assembly, whether it provides proper protection against those uses, whether there are upstream or downstream cross connections, the hazard level of cross-connections, or whether every aspect of your installation meets code. Any notes we make about this are incidental to our work, and you acknowledge that we are neither responsible nor liable for their accuracy. These notes are meant solely as a starting point for follow-up by you or your water district, and you agree to be solely responsible for the correct installation, use, and maintenance of your plumbing system. Any actionable notes we make about potential code violations, level of protection, potential cross-connections, or downstream uses, whether in reporting or other communications, should be independently verified with a professional who has the proper training and licensing to correctly and conclusively advise you.
After Our Visit
General reporting notes: when we perform a backflow test, we're responsible for sending reporting to you and filing a copy with your water district, regardless of whether the assembly passes or fails. We also document other service calls in this way, such as when we're unable to test your equipment. If you indicate that you're on a private connection (like a well) with no public water supplier, we'll note the connection as private, and you'll also be considered to be the "water district." The information contained in our reporting, including data, notes, and results, reflects conditions solely at the time of testing for the specific assembly indicated - conditions before, after, or between tests cannot be conclusively evaluated.
Receiving and interpreting your report: your reporting will be sent as a PDF attachment to an email with the subject "Backflow Assembly Test(s)." Please carefully review this email and the attached reporting. In addition to your test results (if a test was performed), reports may also contain important information from us regarding leaks, equipment condition, repairs or maintenance (made or needed), and other important details. If your report indicates equipment is failing, untestable, or otherwise in need of repairs or maintenance (see "Action items," below), please address these promptly. You are solely responsible for following up on failures and untestable assemblies in a manner satisfactory your water purveyor, and for arranging and paying for any timely repairs, maintenance, and retesting necessary to keep your equipment in good working order.
Action items:
Water districts will usually follow up in the event of a failure or untestable assembly, so we'd recommend making prompt repair arrangements and contacting them with an update. Most districts allow a month or so for this work to be completed and a passing report filed, but this can vary, and they may continue to send you reminders until they have passing results on file.
While we aim to take good notes as an aid to our work, and to communicate with you and your water district, these are not a required component of our reporting. Comments are included on the report as a courtesy, and their absence should not be interpreted as an error or omission by your technician. In the absence of any service notes, you are still responsible for proper maintenance and repair of your equipment, and following all applicable rules.
Alternate forms of reporting: if your water district requires online reporting, the version they receive will contain original test values, date, and pass/fail from your copy of the report, but may otherwise differ from the copy we provide to you due the often limited nature of the data that we are able to enter through purveyors' online portals.
General reporting notes: when we perform a backflow test, we're responsible for sending reporting to you and filing a copy with your water district, regardless of whether the assembly passes or fails. We also document other service calls in this way, such as when we're unable to test your equipment. If you indicate that you're on a private connection (like a well) with no public water supplier, we'll note the connection as private, and you'll also be considered to be the "water district." The information contained in our reporting, including data, notes, and results, reflects conditions solely at the time of testing for the specific assembly indicated - conditions before, after, or between tests cannot be conclusively evaluated.
Receiving and interpreting your report: your reporting will be sent as a PDF attachment to an email with the subject "Backflow Assembly Test(s)." Please carefully review this email and the attached reporting. In addition to your test results (if a test was performed), reports may also contain important information from us regarding leaks, equipment condition, repairs or maintenance (made or needed), and other important details. If your report indicates equipment is failing, untestable, or otherwise in need of repairs or maintenance (see "Action items," below), please address these promptly. You are solely responsible for following up on failures and untestable assemblies in a manner satisfactory your water purveyor, and for arranging and paying for any timely repairs, maintenance, and retesting necessary to keep your equipment in good working order.
Action items:
- If your report shows a passing result but comments indicate that repairs or maintenance are needed, it's important that these items are promptly addressed. Please make sure these are addressed before your next order.
- If your report shows a failing test, please consult the report comments and reporting email for repair guidance and call us with any questions. If we haven't provided a repair estimate, we'd recommend following up with a properly-licensed landscaping or plumbing professional to arrange repairs.
- If your report shows no test result, and the assembly is noted as untestable in the comments, this indicates a problem with your installation. Review the comments and reporting email for additional guidance.
- If you didn't pay in full at the time of your order, or additional parts/services were required (as noted in the report comments), you'll receive an invoice in a separate email. We appreciate your prompt payment.
Water districts will usually follow up in the event of a failure or untestable assembly, so we'd recommend making prompt repair arrangements and contacting them with an update. Most districts allow a month or so for this work to be completed and a passing report filed, but this can vary, and they may continue to send you reminders until they have passing results on file.
While we aim to take good notes as an aid to our work, and to communicate with you and your water district, these are not a required component of our reporting. Comments are included on the report as a courtesy, and their absence should not be interpreted as an error or omission by your technician. In the absence of any service notes, you are still responsible for proper maintenance and repair of your equipment, and following all applicable rules.
Alternate forms of reporting: if your water district requires online reporting, the version they receive will contain original test values, date, and pass/fail from your copy of the report, but may otherwise differ from the copy we provide to you due the often limited nature of the data that we are able to enter through purveyors' online portals.
Failing Test Values
Occasionally, an assembly will fail and require repairs, as indicated by a ticked "failed" checkbox in the Initial Test section about halfway down the right-hand side of your report. For equipment that's regularly tested and maintained, we see typical failure rates of 2-6% for DCs and 8-15% for RPs. Passing test values (in PSID) are at least 1.0 for DCVA, PVBA, or SVBA check valves, 5.0 for an RPBA #1 check valve, 2.0 for an RPBA relief valve; and 1.0 for a PVBA or SVBA air inlet.
We prefer to do repair follow-ups by email rather than onsite. This allows us to link you to repair resources, take the time needed to thoroughly address all of your questions, prepare a repair estimate (if applicable), and/or provide a report that you can send to a repair professional. Repair options depend on equipment condition, line type, clearances, and other factors. Please see our Repair Resources for additional details.
If we're able to offer repairs, we'll provide you with an estimate. If you hire a third party for repairs on anything other than a non-potable line, they should be performed by a properly licensed professional. If your repair company doesn't offer testing, please contact us about a retest after repairs are complete. For retests completed within the same calendar year, we offer $5 off our basic test rate.
When offering repairs, we'll usually send an estimate after the initial test and schedule a separate service call for the repair work. In some cases, we may offer same-day rebuilds for failing assemblies, provided we have: 1.) correct licensing for the repair, 2.) repair authorization from the customer, 3.) parts on board, and 4.) enough flex time to include repairs with the initial service call.
Occasionally, an assembly will fail and require repairs, as indicated by a ticked "failed" checkbox in the Initial Test section about halfway down the right-hand side of your report. For equipment that's regularly tested and maintained, we see typical failure rates of 2-6% for DCs and 8-15% for RPs. Passing test values (in PSID) are at least 1.0 for DCVA, PVBA, or SVBA check valves, 5.0 for an RPBA #1 check valve, 2.0 for an RPBA relief valve; and 1.0 for a PVBA or SVBA air inlet.
We prefer to do repair follow-ups by email rather than onsite. This allows us to link you to repair resources, take the time needed to thoroughly address all of your questions, prepare a repair estimate (if applicable), and/or provide a report that you can send to a repair professional. Repair options depend on equipment condition, line type, clearances, and other factors. Please see our Repair Resources for additional details.
If we're able to offer repairs, we'll provide you with an estimate. If you hire a third party for repairs on anything other than a non-potable line, they should be performed by a properly licensed professional. If your repair company doesn't offer testing, please contact us about a retest after repairs are complete. For retests completed within the same calendar year, we offer $5 off our basic test rate.
When offering repairs, we'll usually send an estimate after the initial test and schedule a separate service call for the repair work. In some cases, we may offer same-day rebuilds for failing assemblies, provided we have: 1.) correct licensing for the repair, 2.) repair authorization from the customer, 3.) parts on board, and 4.) enough flex time to include repairs with the initial service call.
Untestable Assemblies and Misc. Failures
Rarely, we may report assemblies as untestable or failing based on conditions observed onsite. By ordering, you agree that we may decline testing, or determine that an assembly fails, can't be tested, or shouldn't be tested, due to: extremes of depth; narrow access or installation clearances; poor overall condition; code violations; blocked, buried, missing, faulty, corroded, damaged, submerged, or otherwise inoperable parts; improper installation; lack of water pressure; freeze damage; RPs without proper drainage; hidden or buried valve boxes; lack of access; safety concerns; vegetation that substantially interferes with testing; missed appointments; or other circumstances which put the work outside the bounds of what we'd consider safely, legally, or reasonably achievable within a standard service call. Charges for the service call still apply, so please ensure your equipment meets our serviceability guidelines before your order.
For service calls described above, we may submit reporting with details of our visit and reason for our determination, mark equipment as untestable or failed, decline future service calls, contact you with recommended follow-up steps, and/or make repair or maintenance recommendations. In some cases, especially if the issue is related to our own physical limitations (like length of reach), you may be able to find a vendor who can take on the work going forward.
Rarely, we may report assemblies as untestable or failing based on conditions observed onsite. By ordering, you agree that we may decline testing, or determine that an assembly fails, can't be tested, or shouldn't be tested, due to: extremes of depth; narrow access or installation clearances; poor overall condition; code violations; blocked, buried, missing, faulty, corroded, damaged, submerged, or otherwise inoperable parts; improper installation; lack of water pressure; freeze damage; RPs without proper drainage; hidden or buried valve boxes; lack of access; safety concerns; vegetation that substantially interferes with testing; missed appointments; or other circumstances which put the work outside the bounds of what we'd consider safely, legally, or reasonably achievable within a standard service call. Charges for the service call still apply, so please ensure your equipment meets our serviceability guidelines before your order.
For service calls described above, we may submit reporting with details of our visit and reason for our determination, mark equipment as untestable or failed, decline future service calls, contact you with recommended follow-up steps, and/or make repair or maintenance recommendations. In some cases, especially if the issue is related to our own physical limitations (like length of reach), you may be able to find a vendor who can take on the work going forward.
Other Policies
Communication Methods
For recordkeeping purposes, we rely upon email to deliver reporting, billing, order confirmations, test reminders, appointment reminders, failure follow-ups, advance notifications, and other essential communications. Spam filters, inbox algorithms, typos, email address changes, and other factors may result in diverted, delayed, or undelivered messages at no fault of our own - please add us to your contacts, promptly notify us of any email address changes, and make sure your email settings allow our messages to reliably reach you. In some cases, we may use phone calls as a backup contact method or for more time-sensitive contact needs like major leaks or other urgent issues. In these cases, prompt contact can be important, so please provide (or confirm) your single best daytime phone number when you order. To ensure consistent, verifiable recordkeeping, we're unable to enroll with or work through third-party systems (such as property management, BSM, work order management, or payment management platforms ) to fulfill orders, arrange appointments, submit billing, process payments, or send written communications.
For recordkeeping purposes, we rely upon email to deliver reporting, billing, order confirmations, test reminders, appointment reminders, failure follow-ups, advance notifications, and other essential communications. Spam filters, inbox algorithms, typos, email address changes, and other factors may result in diverted, delayed, or undelivered messages at no fault of our own - please add us to your contacts, promptly notify us of any email address changes, and make sure your email settings allow our messages to reliably reach you. In some cases, we may use phone calls as a backup contact method or for more time-sensitive contact needs like major leaks or other urgent issues. In these cases, prompt contact can be important, so please provide (or confirm) your single best daytime phone number when you order. To ensure consistent, verifiable recordkeeping, we're unable to enroll with or work through third-party systems (such as property management, BSM, work order management, or payment management platforms ) to fulfill orders, arrange appointments, submit billing, process payments, or send written communications.
Pet Policy
To ensure a safe service call for both your pets* and our staff, pets must be securely contained outside the work area while we're onsite. If pets have access to the work area, even occasionally, please:
*Both furry family members and farm/working animals.
To ensure a safe service call for both your pets* and our staff, pets must be securely contained outside the work area while we're onsite. If pets have access to the work area, even occasionally, please:
- Tell us about this in the order comments so we can send you an advance email notification the day before we plan to visit. We'll include an arrival/work window with this email, usually no more than three hours wide.
- Using the link provided in the notification email, confirm that the work area will be ready for us. If we don't receive confirmation the day the notification email is sent, we'll need to reschedule the service call.
- On the test date, securely contain pets outside the work area for the full test window shown in your notification email. When we arrive, we'll proceed directly to the work area and begin, so please do not wait until we're onsite to secure pets.
*Both furry family members and farm/working animals.
Privacy Policy
We'll never share your information with third parties for the purpose of marketing any outside services, or send you communications that aren't directly related to the services we provide you. Because we use our email reminder list to communicate service updates (like changes to pricing, service area, policies, etc.), only customers who are on the reminder list will receive these. If you're not subscribed to reminders, you can visit our website to view current information on pricing, service area, and service policies.
Account information may necessarily be shared with your water district and their software providers as part of our reporting obligations, or via communications about our work at your site. We work with third-party software platforms for tasks like bookkeeping; processing, tracking, and fulfilling orders; submitting test reports; and written communications - examples include email, cloud storage, accounting software, forms software, payment processing, etc. Account data is necessarily stored with or processed through these providers as part of our work, and they maintain their own separate privacy policies. For a current list of the online vendors we work with to store and transmit testing information, please contact us.
We may take photographs or videos during service calls to improve our testing, communicate with you or your water district about your work, or for use in educational publications. When used in publications, these are limited to the assembly itself and immediate surrounding areas, and they never identify a specific customer or address - if you'd prefer we not use photos for this purpose, please let us know so we can note this on your account.
We'll never share your information with third parties for the purpose of marketing any outside services, or send you communications that aren't directly related to the services we provide you. Because we use our email reminder list to communicate service updates (like changes to pricing, service area, policies, etc.), only customers who are on the reminder list will receive these. If you're not subscribed to reminders, you can visit our website to view current information on pricing, service area, and service policies.
Account information may necessarily be shared with your water district and their software providers as part of our reporting obligations, or via communications about our work at your site. We work with third-party software platforms for tasks like bookkeeping; processing, tracking, and fulfilling orders; submitting test reports; and written communications - examples include email, cloud storage, accounting software, forms software, payment processing, etc. Account data is necessarily stored with or processed through these providers as part of our work, and they maintain their own separate privacy policies. For a current list of the online vendors we work with to store and transmit testing information, please contact us.
We may take photographs or videos during service calls to improve our testing, communicate with you or your water district about your work, or for use in educational publications. When used in publications, these are limited to the assembly itself and immediate surrounding areas, and they never identify a specific customer or address - if you'd prefer we not use photos for this purpose, please let us know so we can note this on your account.
Link Tampering
For the integrity of our order system, link tampering is prohibited. Our order links must be used as originally provided by us, with no modifications. Accounts associated with link tampering may be marked inactive and any associated orders subject to cancellation.
For the integrity of our order system, link tampering is prohibited. Our order links must be used as originally provided by us, with no modifications. Accounts associated with link tampering may be marked inactive and any associated orders subject to cancellation.
Disclosure of Prior Testing Issues
If a previous vendor has noted problems with your installation, and/or recommended maintenance or repairs that haven't been completed, please tell us before your order. We'd prefer to discuss possible solutions before a service call, to avoid any costly surprises or repeat service calls. Copies of prior reports are available from your water provider.
If a previous vendor has noted problems with your installation, and/or recommended maintenance or repairs that haven't been completed, please tell us before your order. We'd prefer to discuss possible solutions before a service call, to avoid any costly surprises or repeat service calls. Copies of prior reports are available from your water provider.
Inactive Accounts
We may mark an account inactive if:
We do this to make thoughtful use of our time and resources, promote a safe testing process, and ensure we can provide great service to the average customer. Account information may remain on file for recordkeeping purposes or to comply with applicable regulations, and you can request prior reports at any time. You may contact us to discuss reactivation of an account - this is done at the sole discretion of our staff and may rely upon resolution of one or more of the items listed above. Inactive accounts will be unsubscribed from our email reminder list. Accounts may be marked inactive without notice.
We may mark an account inactive if:
- There's no testing or repair activity on your account for an extended period.
- The property has sold since our most recent service call.
- A site is no longer within updated service boundaries.
- We're unable to collect a past due balance on the account
- Equipment or enclosures (like valve boxes) aren't maintained in good working condition, or not installed or maintained in a way that facilitates service.
- You (or your representative) fail to show up as agreed for an appointment or turn us away at the time of service.
- We observe threatening, demeaning, disrespectful, or harassing language, behavior, or images (including hate speech) during our work for you, whether this is from you or another person associated with the account or the property.
- You're consistently difficult to reach by phone or email after multiple contact attempts.
- You indicate you're unwilling, unable, or unlikely to follow our written policies.
- We have concerns about safety, access, code violations, or other circumstances that, in our professional judgment, interfere with promptly and safely servicing one or more assemblies on your account.
We do this to make thoughtful use of our time and resources, promote a safe testing process, and ensure we can provide great service to the average customer. Account information may remain on file for recordkeeping purposes or to comply with applicable regulations, and you can request prior reports at any time. You may contact us to discuss reactivation of an account - this is done at the sole discretion of our staff and may rely upon resolution of one or more of the items listed above. Inactive accounts will be unsubscribed from our email reminder list. Accounts may be marked inactive without notice.
If you have any questions about these policies, please contact our office before ordering. Thank you.